Gearworks Y-TIE

As the war raged, many fighters from both sides became derelict and unusable. Wanting their pilots to have the newest fighters and weapons to beat their enemies, the various governments in the Galactic Civil War discarded the fighters, or what remained anyway, to the various Recycling conglomerates throughout the galaxy.

Using intuition and a cunning sense of design, the company's soon came out with the 'ugly' design of the Y-Tie. Forging the body of a Tie Fighter with the cockpit of a Y-Wing, the fighter not only gives company's a cheap option to use as transport or a training vessel for new employees, it also gives the more overweight sentients in the galaxy a larger cockpit than the other uglies, thus making it far more comfortable for long journeys.

While it's designed for rudimentary operations and training sessions, the Y-Tie's decent and hyperspace capabilities should only be used when the pilot reaches a decent level of experience, as the TIE solar panels have been known to detach from the hull during long hyperspeed journeys and atmospheric decent, causing death to several unlucky pilots.
