The prices for our transport services are determined according to the ETAs from the pilot's current origin, to the pick-up location, and to the drop-off location.

The ETA is calculated utilizing a skill 0, but the fastest hyper available to complete the job. This pricing is for all entities, be it an item or a capital ship.

We charge for our pilot's time. For example, a trip to Deep South can take up to 24 days which would engage one pilot for almost a full month.

Tips to pilots are appreciated, but not required.

Transport Prices

Transport fees are 500,000 , per 3 days, rounded to the nearest day. This includes day 0.

For example -
00 - 02 days:
03 - 05 days:
06 - 08 days:
09 - 11 days:


... and so on

Contact Lilith Delcroix or Kyran Caelius with enquiries.